“Thank you!”
School4Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible. We issue a receipt for every donation that identifies the purpose or destination of that donation.
We are accepting donations for the following projects and programs via PayPal at the links provided or by check to School4Schools Foundation, 116 S. Hudson St., Arlington, VA 22204.
(Note: if you wish to donate over $5,000, please contact us prior to submitting your donation.)
We are currently accepting donations to complete the new school building at the Terry & Michael Academy in Lower Johnsonville, Liberia.
Please go here for Liberia Project Donations via PayPal:
Update Mar 1, 2024:
The shipping container arrived and cleared customs without any damage or material losses. Thank God! The school is now furnished with 100 desks and chairs, a piano, practice pianos, classroom dividers, and other materials that are being used fruitfully for the education of children in Lower Monrovia, Liberia. Thank you for your wonderful, caring support. See our the Liberia Literacy and School project for more.
Update Nov 17, 2023:
Getting ready to ship a container with school and — now — church supplies. The new school building has become a community center and will host Christian worship on Sundays. Thanks to the generosity of the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, in Arlington, VA, we will be including Bibles, rosaries, and religious instruction books. And with great thanks to a family in McLean, Virginia, we will be sending a piano to be used for musical instruction at school and Sunday services.
Shipping date is approx. Dec 15, loading by Dec 9.
Update Jun 19, 2023:
The new school house exterior structure is complete!

We are now preparing to ship 100 desks and chairs in July of 2023. We are raising about $4,000 to cover the costs of shipment. Desks, chairs and some other supplies are a kind donation from St. Martin of Tours School in Gaithersburg, MD.
Please donate via check to: School4Schools Foundation, 116 S. Hudson St., Arlington, VA 22204 or via PayPal (link here)
Update Dec 19, 2022:
A groundbreaking ceremony was held today at at the Terry & Michael Academic in Lower Johnsonville, Liberia for construction of an 8-classroom school house. Your generosity has allowed for commencement of the foundation for the new building ($3,150).
We are now seeking to raise an addition $4,500 to complete the building by next February.
Please donate to this project via
PayPal (preferable although still incurs fees):
GoFundMe (less preferable due to high fees and holds on funds)
Check to School4Schools Foundation, 116 S. Hudson St., Arlington, VA 22204 (preferable, as there are no fees)
Liberia School & Literacy Program
- Buy school supplies for the school in Lower Johnsonville, Liberia, a registered school
- Current goals are (items in bold represent highest priorities)
build roof for shipping container that is the current structure for the school and library ($1500)- $1500 has been generously donated towards building a roof for the container!
- paint for the container exterior ($15) and interior ($15)
fencing for the grounds ($1400)- $1,400 generously donated towards building a fence for the school grounds!
projector ($500-$600)- $600 generously donated towards acquisition of a 4K mini, low-wattage projector
- large Screen monitor/ television ($500)
- color printer and extra ink ($300)
school bell ($30), flag pole ($50) and school sign ($100)math flash cards and misc supplies shipped from US- locally-sourced textbooks in Liberia ($150)
wifi repeater ($200)sports equipment ($20-$200)- $300 generously donated to purchase sporting goods equipment locally
- playground ($3,830)
new 8-classroom school house($3150 for foundation; $4500 for completion)- $3,150 generously donated towards laying of building foundation